Crate Training for Calm Companions 

Crate training is a valuable tool for teaching your dog to relax and feel secure. When introduced gradually, the crate becomes your dog's cozy den—a place to retreat for peace and tranquility.

Here's some tips to help get them settled in.

 Placing in a draft-free zone:
 Remember, puppies don't like drafts. Ensure the crate is located in an area of your home that's free from cold drafts. 

 Also in a quiet area in the house: 
Choose a quiet, serene location for the crate to minimize disturbances. Your dog's safe space should be a peaceful sanctuary. 

 Making sure children don't bother the dog whilst it is in the crate: 
It's important to teach children that the crate is your dog's safe haven. Make sure they understand not to disturb the dog while it's in the crate. This will help your pup feel more secure.

Start with short sessions, and over time, your dog will appreciate having their personal space for moments of calm and rest. Your calm and content canine companion will thank you for it! 

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